Spring 2025 - Tiny VIRTUOSO
Embark on a musical journey where laughter meets learning in our engaging group piano classes tailored specifically for preschool musicians!
This group fosters a love for music beginning with joy, exploration, and a touch of whimsy.
Hosted exclusively at Next Generation Preschool
Focus on learning piano fundamentals through play
14 weekly 20-minute classes, taught in groups of 4 students per class
Classes begin 1/21 and end on 5/8 (No classes 3/17-3/21 )
Embark on a musical journey where laughter meets learning in our engaging group piano classes tailored specifically for preschool musicians!
This group fosters a love for music beginning with joy, exploration, and a touch of whimsy.
Hosted exclusively at Next Generation Preschool
Focus on learning piano fundamentals through play
14 weekly 20-minute classes, taught in groups of 4 students per class
Classes begin 1/21 and end on 5/8 (No classes 3/17-3/21 )
Embark on a musical journey where laughter meets learning in our engaging group piano classes tailored specifically for preschool musicians!
This group fosters a love for music beginning with joy, exploration, and a touch of whimsy.
Hosted exclusively at Next Generation Preschool
Focus on learning piano fundamentals through play
14 weekly 20-minute classes, taught in groups of 4 students per class
Classes begin 1/21 and end on 5/8 (No classes 3/17-3/21 )
Course & Refund Policy:
Make Up Classes
There are no makeup classes for student absences. In the event that the instructor is unable to teach, missed classes will be rescheduled by the instructor. A makeup date will be scheduled in coordination with Next Generation Preschool.
There are no makeup classes if class is canceled due to any severe inclimate weather such as tornados or ice storms.
There is no refunds offered for unused classes, including the student withdraws from Next Generation Preschool after purchase or anytime during the semester .
There is no refund for a class if a child refuses to attend classes.
No classes may be transferred to the Next Generation Transitional Kindergarten building, nor will partial refunds be offered for unused classes.
Class Placement
Children are automatically assigned a class time and grouped to achieve the best learning outcomes.
There are no guaranteed special timeslot placements for naptime considerations.