Embracing Imperfection: Overcoming Perfectionism for Adult Piano Students

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be a rewarding and enriching experience. However, it often comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the most common obstacles is perfectionism.

Many adult piano students find themselves trapped in the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, which can hinder their progress and rob them of the joy of making music.

In this article, we will explore the effects of perfectionism and provide practical strategies to overcome it, allowing adult piano students to enjoy their musical journey to the fullest.

The Perfectionism Trap

Perfectionism is the desire to achieve flawless performance, and while it may seem like a worthy goal, it can actually be counterproductive for adult piano students. Here are four of the most common ways perfectionism hinders progress for adult piano students:

  1. Fear of Failure Limiting Your Growth: Perfectionists at the piano often fear making mistakes. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent you from taking risks, joining a piano class, starting private lessons or simply trying new pieces of music.

  2. Inhibits Your Creativity: The pursuit of perfection can stifle your creativity. Music is an art form, and creativity is essential for personal expression. Perfectionism can make you rigid in your playing, leaving no room for interpretation or improvisation.

  3. Diminishes Your Enjoyment: When you're solely focused on getting everything right, you may lose sight of the joy of playing the piano. Every practice session can become a source of stress rather than a source of pleasure.

  4. Slows Your Progress: Perfectionism can slow down your progress because it leads to excessive self-criticism. You may spend too much time dwelling on mistakes and not enough time learning from them.

Overcoming Perfectionism

Now that we've taken a look the pitfalls of perfectionism, let's explore strategies to overcome it and enhance your piano learning experience:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Instead of aiming for perfection, set achievable and realistic goals. Understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Celebrate small victories and progress.

    Students of the VIRTUOSO Piano Club enjoy having small goals to reach every 2 weeks to keep them motivated and progressing at a pace that is achievable in their busy lives.

  2. Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are opportunities for growth. Instead of fearing them, welcome them as chances to improve. When you make a mistake, analyze it, learn from it, and move on.

    In the VIRTUOSO Piano Club, we practice the concept I call “Calm Reading”, a method of becoming non-reactive to mistakes at the keyboard. Many students find this helps lift the pressure when learning new music or reading sheet music.

  3. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, can help you stay present in the moment. When you're fully engaged in your practice, you'll be less focused on perfection and more attuned to the music.

    One way we practice mindfulness in our music making in the VIRTUOSO Piano Club is to stay focused on playing the songs we love and trying to learn a new skill in each lesson. Rather than working on songs to perfection as a group, we are steadily always working on the skills from our Piano Essentials curriculum.

  4. Record Yourself: Recording your practice sessions can be a valuable tool. It allows you to objectively assess your performance and track your progress over time. Remember, even the most accomplished pianists make mistakes during live performances.

    Every season of the VIRTUOSO Piano Club our students are offered the opportunity to share their playing with others via recordings and participation in our virtual concerts. There’s always no pressure to participate, but see for yourself examples of how our students have taken on the opportunity to record and share their progress.

  5. Focus on Expression: Instead of fixating on technical perfection, concentrate on expressing the emotions and stories behind the music. Music is a form of communication, and conveying feelings is often more important than note-perfect execution.

    This concept of musicality is worked on continuously in our VIRTUOSO Piano Club online group lessons and is one of the seven essential musical elements taught in our Piano Essesentials curriculum.

  6. Seek Guidance: Don't be afraid to seek guidance from a piano teacher or mentor. They can provide constructive feedback, guide your practice, and offer valuable perspective on your progress.

    Every other week the VIRTUOSO Piano Club meets as a group to learn from piano coach Leon Harrell. His expert guidance and teaching methods designed for adult piano students helps students learn and grow at the piano at thier own pace.

  7. Celebrate Your Journey: Remind yourself that the journey of learning the piano is just as important, if not more so, than the destination. Enjoy the process of discovering new pieces, exploring different styles, and developing your musicality.

    Celebration is a key motivation technique used in the VIRTUOSO Piano Club and happens in our group lessons, our online community, and throughout our preperation for our seasonal virtual concerts.


Perfectionism can be a common hurdle for adult piano students, but with the right mindset and strategies, it's a challenge that can be overcome. By setting achievable goals, welcoming mistakes as opportunities for growth, practicing mindfulness, and emphasizing musical expression, you can break free from the perfectionism trap and fully relish your musical journey.

As you embark on your quest to become a skilled pianist, remember that the joy of playing the piano lies not only in the pursuit of technical precision but also in the emotional connection you forge with music. Embrace your imperfections, for they are stepping stones to your musical evolution.

And for those looking to elevate their piano learning experience, consider joining the VIRTUOSO Piano Club. With our comprehensive resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community of fellow learners, you can truly immerse yourself in the world of piano music. Plus, we're offering a free 14-day trial so you can experience all the club has to offer without any commitment.

Leon Harrell

Leon is the principal consultant at Foundry League. He specializes in strategic brand design for creative solopreneurs.


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